On November 14, 2015 a group of 13 sisters gathered at
Incarnate Word Academy in St. Louis, MO for a Community Conversation on Laudato
Si. This event was sponsored by the new
Congregational Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Office and was
facilitated by Jennifer Reyes Lay, Assistant Director of the JPIC Office. The sisters spent the afternoon together
reflecting on the message of Laudato Si and the imperative call to care for our
common home. The event consisted of time
for reviewing sections of Laudato Si, small group conversation and sharing,
personal reflection time in nature, large group sharing, and a reflective
prayer on the elements of creation to close our time together.

Many ideas were shared about actions that we could take to
better care for our common home and curb the effects of climate change. Some of the ideas for personal and communal
actions included recycling and buying recyclable or compostable materials,
buying from local food sources, taking public transportation including bus or
train instead of flying when traveling, cultivating greater peace in our lives
and relationships, and before buying something new see if there is an option to
fix what is broken or borrow/buy second hand from someone else who no longer
needs that item.

In addition to these
personal actions, we discussed the importance of using our collective voice to
advocate on behalf of the planet and all the species of plants and animals that
call it home. This can include
contacting our representatives and government leaders, lobbying for
clean/renewable energy, and joining in mass demonstrations like the upcoming
global climates marches on November 29
th. We all have a responsibility to prevent
further climate change and take care of our earth in our own unique ways, as
Pope Francis reminds us: “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the
care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience,
involvements and talents” (LS #14).

The conversation ended with a prayer of repentance for the
ways we have harmed the earth, and gratitude for the many gifts of the
earth. Attendees then committed
themselves to pray, learn, reflect, act, and advocate through the Pledge of St.
Francis (below). Additional Community Conversations will be
happening in San Antonio, Mexico, and Peru in the coming months, as the entire
CCVI Congregation has a chance to reflect on and respond to the call of Laudato
Si, to care for our common home.
The St. Francis Pledge
I/We Pledge to:
u PRAY and REFLECT on the duty to care for God’s
Creation and protect the poor and vulnerable.
u LEARN about and educate others on the causes and moral
dimensions of climate change.
u ASSESS how we-as individuals and in our families,
parishes and other affiliations contribute to climate change by our own energy
use, consumption, waste, etc.
u ACT to change our choices and behaviors to reduce the
ways we contribute to climate change.
u ADVOCATE for Catholic principles and priorities in
climate change discussions and decisions, especially as they impact those who
are poor and vulnerableble
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