Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Affordable Care Act and the Court

The following article was written by Vincent Miller, Jr., Gudolf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture, University of Dayton and posted on "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good," July 11, 2012

The Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the individual insurance mandate in the Affordable Care Act is a victory for the common good worthy of prolonged celebration. The individual mandate is an important part of the ACA’s central purpose of providing universal insurance coverage for our wealthy nation, in which, shockingly, 40 million of our brothers and sisters do not have health insurance coverage. The mandate helps control health care costs by bringing all Americans into the risk pool. It addresses the so-called “death spiral” as the costs of paying for care for the uninsured causes ever higher costs for the insured, leading more and employers and individuals to drop insurance coverage.

The Affordable Care Act is the closest our nation has managed to come to providing universal health care. Pope Benedict XVI has taught that access to health care is an essential dimension of distributive justice and that access to care is a fundamental moral imperative:  READ MORE

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