Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Community Conversations in Mexico and Peru

Guadalajara, Mx
January 27 and 29th, and also February 13th Sisters, Associates, Collaborators, and Missionaries came together to take responsibility for this home which trusts in us.  It was a blessed time, because we created sacred space where we affirmed the reality that we need one another, that we have a responsibility for one another and the whole world (LS #229).
It was a very profound and spiritual experience, because the incarnation reminds us of our common sisterhood and brotherhood with all of creation.  And the cry of the earth calls us to take seriously our incarnational spirituality, moving from greed to generosity, from wasting to sharing. 
We are thankful to all who atended, in particular to the Instituto Miguel Ángel de Occidente, Centro Madre Teresa de Calcuta, Incarnate Word Health System, Pushaq Warmi, Social Justice Commision, the Parish of San Francisco de Asís, and Chimbote de Pie. Thank you for continuing to involve all of our collaborators in our common Mission in order to live out in our daily lives our direction from chapter.  

Chimbote, Peru


Bless us, O Mother Earth, as we kneel on and before you. You, from whom all life springs and to whom all life returns, bless us, and others through us, especially our children, with health, prosperity and happiness. Let us be ever mindful of your tender care and never draw a breath without offering thanks for your generous gifts this day. Sun, seed, and soil combine to yield a rich harvest Thanks, too, to rains both plentiful and soft. And thank you, O God of Creation, for drawing us together on this journey so we need no longer walk this way alone. We travel down paths both familiar and unknown yet side-by-side our adventure now unfolds.  Amen

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