As we focus as a Congregation on the issues of Human Trafficking and Care for our Common Home, we encourage you to check out these prayer resources on those topics to help guide you in your Lentan practice this year:
The Lenten Reflection Guide from the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns contains reflections, questions, prayers, and actions based on each week’s Gospel reading and the teachings of Pope Francis in his latest encyclical, Laudato Si’.
Lent offers us all a special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. Use this 16-page guide individually or in small groups to reflect upon our life patterns, to pray more deeply, and renew our spirits to face the realities of our world.
Lentan Fast for Climate Justice
For Lent 2016 (starting on February 10th) we are organizing another global Lenten Fast for Climate Justice (as we did in 2015). Catholics from around the globe will fast during each of Lent’s 40 days, joining the interfaith Fast For The Climate and the Green Anglicans’ Carbon Fast. We will fast and pray for bold action to solve the climate change crisis. Our fast coincides beautifully with the Pope’s February prayer intention to care for creation (see video).
During each day of Lent, Catholics from a different country will fast for climate justice. GCCM will highlight the impacts of climate change on that country through social media and other communications.
Following Pope Francis’ invitation above, this Lent let’s commit to overcoming our indifference to the climate change crisis and its victims. Let’s pray and fast for the renewal of our relationship with creation and with our brothers and sisters in poverty who are already suffering the impacts of climate change.
- See more at: Unanima: Lentan Prayer Resources on Human Trafficking
Out of a reported 4 million people who are trafficked annually both within and outside their country, 80% are women and girls and 50% are children. Over 90% of trafficked persons are sexually exploited. As part of UNANIMA’s work on the NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons and the NGO Working Group on Girls, we pursue the recognition and protection of the rights of these women and children. We also have an ongoing international campaign to STOP THE DEMAND for Trafficking in Women and Children.
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 1 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 2 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 3 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 4 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 5 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 6 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 2 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 3 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 4 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 5 (DOC)
Lent Prayers on the Theme of Human Trafficking: Week 6 (DOC)
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