Monday, September 30, 2024

Season of Creation (Week 5 Reflection)

Scripture of the Week:

James 5: Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries. Your wealth has rotted away, … our gold and silver have corroded and that corrosion will be a testimony against you.

Mark 9: “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your names, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.” Jesus replied, “Whoever is not against us is for us. Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ … will surely not lose their reward.”


Jesus appreciates the people who are working in His name.  There is no competition but collaboration towards a common purpose.  Considering the environmental effects that the various people and countries across the global are being reaped regardless of whether this person belongs to one organization or another, as long as we are doing this for the love of God.  He will surely be increasing their knowledge and faith.   We need each other all around the globe to be able to implement solution in countries with support needed for those who are underdeveloped and not able to fund themselves to fix the devastating effects of natural disasters.

The people will not surely lose reward as "the Lord is gracious and compassionate... The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." (Ps 145:8-9).

Laudato Si this week:

Article 190  There is no value that can be placed upon the environmental protection as it is not based on benefits and costs.  The reality is that some of the companies look at increasing the bottomline and profits more than anything else.  They do not bother to stop and ponder on the cause of environmental disasters and consequences of anthropogenic actions, neglecting the needs of our brothers and sisters especially the underprivileged.  This is not a magical solution to the problem.  What we are facing is not about increasing in productivity and output from businesses but to be mindful of how these all affect the world.

Article 198  The politics and economists are in competition with each other.  Those in the power and interested nothing but financial gain are the usual concerns where the vulnerable people's needs are rejected and the care for environment is ignored.  How can we work towards a supportive society where power and influence are used so that integrity of all are upheld and natural rights are protected?

Article 206  The lifestyle is a way to advocate for the right products that reduces environmental degradation. The consumers have a part in choosing the right matter so that they take the social responsibility as part of their role to care for our common home. 

Article 222  The ability to be happy with little is part of the prophetic and contemplative lifestyle whether we do not buy endlessly without consideration to the limitations on resources.  We become satisfied with the idea of sufficiency and moderation.  Accumulation of things for pleasure and domination will not give us happiness.

Prayer Intentions

We pray that our community and nation will be responsible in caring for the needs of the creation which includes the environment and especially our underprivileged brothers and sisters.

We pray for all so that we can all respect and support the prophets of our time and we also can take a prophetic role in caring for Creation towards a sustainable and contemplative lifestyle that does not violate the dignity of the most vulnerable and those who are not able to speak for themselves.

Let us pray to the Incarnate Word.

All these in Jesus name, Amen.


Watch the vblog on Sustainable and Advocacies Practices: Sustainable Practices (Laudato Si, Business and Personal)

Weaver's of Love ministry providing free clothing to underpriviledged adults, children, toddlers, diabetes shoes, community garden, soup kithen (not in the photo), and group support.

Learn More:
Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis (  
Homily Helps September 2024 (Cycle B) | Catholic Climate Covenant
Laudato Sí Action Platform Commitment - Presentation Sisters (

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