In Missouri, the current state legislature is proposing bills to require gun safety training for 1st-graders, to allow teachers to carry guns in their classrooms, and to make it illegal to enforce certain federal firearms laws.
Gun owners not only cite the 2nd Amendment as the basis for claiming a right to own whatever type of gun they choose, including military-style assault weapons; some also claim it is their God-given right to do so. However gun makers and gun sellers have a much more pragmatic reason for opposing any gun control. Their push to market guns is all based on the bottom line: profits are declining. Their strategy to increase profits resembles the past strategy of the cigarette industry when its profits had declined: market to younger and younger customers and get them hooked at an early age.
* "Selling a New Generation on Guns" by Mike McIntire (The NY Times)
* "The Surprising Unknown History of the NRA" by Steven Rosenfeld (Alter Net)
* "War zone in America? Mother loses 4th child to gun violence" by Alex Kane (AlterNet)