February 13, 2025 at 6pm is the scheduled execution of Mr. Richard Tabler (TDCJ #999523 and DOB 02/05/1979) for the two double murders of Mohamed-Amine Rahmouni, Haitham Frank Zayed, Amanda Benefield, and Tiffany Loraine Dotson. He was diagnosed by a psychiatrist to have a mental illness specifically Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. There was a House Bill 727 passed in 2023 that attempted to halt the execution of mentally ill inmates. However, it did not make it to the upper chamber leaving the inmates with mental illness to suffer with the injustice of the system instead of treating them with appropriate healthcare and rehabilitation.
Another man on death row for execution today at 6 pm today is Mr. James Ford in Florida. He was sentenced to death row for the double murder of Greg and Kimberly Malnory in 1997. He had suffered child abuse and later the loss of his father leading to addiction to alcohol according to his defense. Another sad story of mental illness that the society is penalized for.
Life is sacred and we cannot reproduce life as we are uniquely created. Every human being has the capacity by God's grace to change and be transformed. Pope Francis updated the Catechism 2267 stating that the policy on capital punishment is outdated and we are called to end the death penalty. This has been replaced by the new Catholic teaching:
“The church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide”
As a developed nation with technological and scientific advances, we can make a smarter and transformational legacy to protect society and how to work on injustices socially and scientifically. What is human dignity? It is not something that depends on race, age, nationality, gender, or crime committed by a person. Dignity does not increase nor decrease depending on the status of an individual. Human dignity is a value or attribute that all human beings have deserving of respect equally. With dignity, there is a duty to protect his human rights as all people have inherent value given to him as a gift. God himself became human and this is how God wanted human being to realize His worth. Jesus Christ died for all so that all can be one with God. Infinitas Dignita from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith rightfully explains how to treat human dignity in its article 34 where it states that dignity is to be respected whether one commits the worst crime or one is the holiest of all.
"If I do not deny that dignity to the worst of criminals, I will not deny it to anyone. I will give everyone the possibility of sharing this planet with me, despite all our differences."
The American justice system has failed to update its policies and laws to give fair treatment and dignity to all. The taxpayers have to bear the cost of the punishment which is unproductive and costly. It destroys dignity and the killing of another person only causes more pain than healing. If people want healing and closure, it is the health care and rehabilitation system that must be sought.
There is nothing right for a person to commit a heinous crime. The society must be protected from all harm. The families of the victims and the people who died from these suffered insurmountable loss and pain. On the other hand, is it our right to kill another person to solve a justice issue? If it is not hatred that is being inflicted in the process, what is it? Killing a person is not a solution. To justify that one must die because a life was taken only leads to new pain. For those who are in favor of the death penalty, one question to ask is "Is killing another person an act of love and justice?" Is this what Jesus Christ would do? I would argue for those who are involved in the death penalty to be accomplished. They are people with feelings and memory. They carry these with them. We are part of this system as our taxes are used to pay for the people to carry out the execution of the person on death row. Would you kill a person to justify heinous crime? We are part of this death penalty.
The author Bryan Stevenson's words: “The question of the death penalty is not, 'Do people deserve to die for the crimes they commit?' I think the threshold question is, 'Do we deserve to kill?'“ I believe in this question of looking at ourselves if we have the right to kill. It is an eye for an eye treatment. It is a punishment and revenge system. If society is to look at justice, the poor, the mentally ill, and sick people must be given the resources, and health care needed from the beginning until the end. If something is broken, it needs to be fixed and not patched up.
The governor of the state in this case Governor Abbott and Governor Ron De Santis have the power and influence to stop the execution for the two on death row. Let us be people of justice where the dignity of the people matters. Mr. Richard Tabler has not been well represented by an effective counsel. He has not been provided what is due to him according to the Sixth Amendment. His case is an example of the lack of legal representation that he should have considering the severity of his situation. Mr. James Ford in Florida is another case of mental illness and alcohol abuse. Are they deserving of dignity to live? According to Catholic teaching, yes. They have equal rights to live as much as anyone else.
There will be a vigil in San Antonio across from the main entrance to the Bexar County Justice Center 300 Dolorosa Street to pray for the end of death penalty and for the two persons scheduled for state execution. The vigil will be at 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm CT. Parking is in 211 South Flores Garage.
Other vigil sites can be found in https://tcadp.org/vigils/
Vigil for Mr. James Ford in Florida will be held in various places that can be found here.
More info:
The Dignity and Rights of Human Person
Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” On Human Dignity
Why Rebottle the Genie? Capitalizing on Closure on Death Penalty Proceedings.
Stop the Execution of Richard Tabler in Texas
Texas Coalition Against Death Penalty Stop Executions
Florida Stop Execution of Mr. James Ford
Catholic Mobilizing Network - Stop Execution of Richard Tabler
Hatred as a Contagious Disease
Peace Advocates from Texas Coalition Against Death Penalty (TCADP) and Incarnate Word Sister San Antonio Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation in front of the Bexar Country Justice on February 13, 2025.