March 1 is a National Remembrance of Victims of Nuclear Testing. On March 1, 1954, US Government's Nuclear Weapon Testing program had a radioactive fallout and vaporized the islands, culture was piped out, creating human experimentation, stillbirth, and jelly babies in Marshall Islands. Given this testing, there was 130 tons of Nevada nuclear waste dumped into the lagoon and bodies of water of this community with secrecy. The has been 67 nuclear tests by United States between 1946 and 1958 in Marshall Islands particularly hitting the Bikini and Enewetak Atoll with radioactive impact on the whole Marshall Islands. This created an uninhabitable island with fishes and plants that are not edible for human consumption.
We also remember on this day, the atomic bomb that was detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs where about 140,000 died and 70,000 died respectively. The aftermath of the exposure of the people to the radioactive chemicals caused cancer and death in succeeding years of those who survived the immediate blast from the atomic bomb.
How do United States and the human family take responsibility for the nuclear disaster in history whether the activity is for testing or deliberate action? How can we learn from the past and not allow the violence to dominate among the vulnerable people and creation. How can we ensure that the dignity of humanity and creation are preserved despite conflicts and the violent reality of today? How can we permanently stop the nuclear threat in the world when we know that the leaders of nations have the power to activate the most dangerous weapon ever created, which exists in a lot of cities in the United States as well as in other parts of the world.
Read more about the Marshall Islands here.
Marshall Islands in Nuclear Museum
Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day on March 1, 2025
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing Victims and Fatalities
History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombing
Nuclear Test Sites
Pax Christi Texas invites Pax Christi Members and Friends to
Second Quarterly Social Justice Forum
“The Current State of Nuclear Threat”
Monday, April 28, 2025 7 pm CST by zoom (link)
2025 Anniversary of the Atomic Bomb
(80 Years later)
Nuclear Disarmament Our Challenge
Earth Day: Care for the Planet
Mother’s Day in Honor of Women
Archbishop John Wester, Santa Fe New Mexico
Author of
“Christ Is Our Light” A pastoral letter addressing theNuclear Threat
2025 Anniversary of the Atomic Bomb
(80 Years later)
Nuclear Disarmament Our Challenge
Earth Day: Care for the Planet
Mother’s Day in Honor of Women
“Christ Is Our Light”
Living in the Light of Christ's Peace:A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament
Pax Christi USA: June 2023
Issues for preparation, discussion for the Pax Christi Texas Social Justice Forum April 29, 2025 7 PM CST (by zoom):
In 1945 millions died instantly p.5
Humanity crossed the line. p. 5
Defense “Just War Theory” p. 9
Weapons as a Deterrent, p.10
Catholic Position: Possession/use of nuclear weapons
is immoral Expansion (modernization) p.10
Only in mutual trust, p.10
Takes food away from starving, p. 29
Jesus’ message on Peace and Violence:
To the Seventy Two: “Greet with Peace,” p.17
In the Garden “Put down your swords.” p.17
Massive Funds Needed in International Conflict Resolution p. 33
Accidents and Miscalculations p.24
Efforts of Church will Not Cease p. 11
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