URGENT ACTION: Help stop modern day slavery in Florida agricultural fields
Interfaith Action of Southwest Florida, in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, has asked Pax Christi USA to help them gather signatures for a letter to be sent to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. The letter promotes the Fair Food Program as a powerful model both for addressing human trafficking here in the U.S. and for having sustainable agriculture.
On the 6th page of the Engage textbook, Albert Einstein states that we are all a part of a greater universe and that we become so blinded by our own circle of people that we forget about the rest of the universe. He continues by imploring us to be compassionate and to open our hearts to everyone around us. This letter being sent and signed perfectly reflects Einstein’s words by involving the global community as opposed to the people being directly affected by the situation.
On the 6th page of the Engage textbook, Albert Einstein states that we are all a part of a greater universe and that we become so blinded by our own circle of people that we forget about the rest of the universe. He continues by imploring us to be compassionate and to open our hearts to everyone around us. This letter being sent and signed perfectly reflects Einstein’s words by involving the global community as opposed to the people being directly affected by the situation.