Many thanks to Cristina Vargas for sending in this pastoral statement from the Zambian Episcopal Conference which analyzes the political reality in Zambia, clearly describing both positive achievements as well as concerns, and which tells Zambian leaders, "We demand of Government to respect and promote human rights."
To the Catholic faithful and all people of goodwill.Grace, mercy and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
1.0 Introduction
As pastors and shepherds that serve among you, we share not only in your joys andhopes but also in your daily struggles, sorrows and anxieties. In Zambia today, we allhave a lot to thank God for, both as individuals and as a nation. Apart from therelative peace in our country, we can attest to God’s goodness through the gift of life, the fellowship of our families, communities and friends as well as theendowment of abundant natural resources upon which our livelihoods depend. We allare beneficiaries of God’s kindness.

"This is what Yahweh asks of you, only this: to act justly, to love tenderly, and towalk humbly with your God."
(Micah 6:8)
(Micah 6:8)
On the occasion of our January 2013 Plenary, we want to take this opportunity toraise pertinent issues on the state of our nation.
1.0 Introduction
As pastors and shepherds that serve among you, we share not only in your joys andhopes but also in your daily struggles, sorrows and anxieties. In Zambia today, we allhave a lot to thank God for, both as individuals and as a nation. Apart from therelative peace in our country, we can attest to God’s goodness through the gift of life, the fellowship of our families, communities and friends as well as theendowment of abundant natural resources upon which our livelihoods depend. We allare beneficiaries of God’s kindness.
In return, we must remember and be mindful that God calls upon each one of us asindividuals and institutions to be instruments of his love, justice, mercy, truth andpeace. This is what it means “to walk humbly with your God”. The question then is towhat extent have we been faithful to this mission, as a nation? READ MORE
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