A few days before the event, Sr. Marylou R. head out to Marquee Plaza to fall in line among the hundreds who wanted to get a free tree to make the City of San Antonio green. This was the prize that we planned to give away for the UIW students and advocate for Care of Our Common Home. Sr. Mary P, Sr. Josetta E, and Sr. Marylou R helped each other to get the materials set-up especially the QR codes for the bookmarks.

"The Incarnate Word Sisters, a Holy Cross Brother Adolf, Alejandro and Pax Christi’s Texas President Arthur set-up the booth to get ready for the UIW’s Earth Day fashioned by variety of nature lovers. Some participants were introducing their green organizations, some others were selling eco-friendly items, giving away free plants and healthy food items, and so much more. Apart from the bookmarks that talk about the Laudato Si and the United Nation’s Climate Action, we also gave prayer cards from the vocation ministry. There were plentiful of students, faculty, administrators, and other nature lovers who made the day extra special. There were talks and poems the passersby can hear in front of the Student Engagement Center. We talked to the students about the Laudato Si Animators program which is a free educational and certification program sponsored by the Laudato Si Movement open for anyone who would be interested in Climate Action and solving the Climate Crisis. We gave away Texas Native Flowers Seeds and stressed the importance of native plants. Our visitors were happy to know about the Laudato Si and the need for the voice of the poor, voice of nature, voice of the youth, and voice of the indigenous to be heard. These are the vulnerable voices highlighted from the movie called “The Letter” by Pope Francis. At the end of the event for our booth, a student adopted an avocado tree. Through Earth day events, God’s work in creation can be given an importance and people can share the many ways we can listen to the cry of the unheard, unspoken, and sometimes silent." - Sr. Marylou R, CCVI.

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