This year is the 10th year anniversary of the Laudato Si'. This is the second encyclical of Pope Francis "Laudato Si'" following the "Lumen Fidei." This encyclical, dated May 24, 2015, was officially launched on June 18, 2015. When there was a rise in environmental issues. There were concerns with growing natural disasters, decline of species affected by the climate crisis, some leading to extinction of species, there has been an increase in knowledge on the geological science, and the science of ecological crisis. Global Catholic Climate Movement was born in 2015 to address the work needed to be done by the faithful.
The Global Catholic Climate Movement became Laudato Si' Movement in 2021. It was a synodal discernment to consider what the organization had grown into. The LSM staff realized that the organization has a broader vision since its name change. Capturing the Laudato Si's respect for all in creation to address the inter-connectedness of all requiring ecological justice for the earth to thrive, let alone to survive. In its 10th anniversary, the movement continues to answer the call of Pope Francis for ecological conversion.
The United States Chapter leaders for Laudato Si' Movement gathered from February 25-27, 2025, to learn about each of the chapters' work, the movement's growing number of interested parties to enroll to the Laudato Si' Action Platform (LSAP) and Laudato Si' Animators online program. It was held in the Well Spirituality in La Grange, Illinois, where the group has been blessed with a display of artistic images of nature from the whole center. We have the "Woman in the well with Jesus", "Children hugging the earth", "A woman embracing a woman inside of her that is holding the earth," and many other artworks surrounding the hallway of the center.Chapter leaders brought their wealth of wisdom on how they animate the movement's mission on their own ministries and region. Each leader belongs to a stage in Laudato Si’ that can be a source of wisdom and inspiration to grow one’s chapter or ministry.
- Some dioceses and archdioceses have been continuing to implement their commitment on LSAP. An example of this is the Lexington Diocese in Kentucky, where Bishop John Stowe, OMF supported the LSAP, approved, and supported the proposed plan of the Director for Peace and Justice Josh Van Cleef to achieve net-zero by 2030. The 9-page plan for the diocese to accomplish the goals of LSAP was then cascaded to the 54 parishes contributing to more than 200 pages of the LSAP plan within a year.
The Archdiocese of Seattle has launched its support for the LSAP in 2024. It has recently created its Care for Creation ministry in early 2024. Its archdiocese is situated in one of the greenest cities in the nation, supported by government policies and laws that protect the environment, and the health of the marginalized residents. It is the first carbon-neutral utility running the carbon-free hydroelectricity in the country.
- Some dioceses just signed a commitment to LSAP. They are starting their journey to LSAP like the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Archbishop Gustavo signed the LSAP on July 2024 after a collaborative meeting of representatives from various organizations, which included the University of Incarnate Word, the Oblate School of Theology, Laudato Si' Texas Chapter Animator Linda S, etc. Dr. Virginia Mata, the Social Justice Director, was hired last year to develop a plan for LSAP as her major work for the time being. She will be getting inputs from Father John Suernam, OCD, and Mr Antonio Frietze of Oblate School of Theology to develop the plan for Laudato Si' Action Platform.
- Some of the dioceses are not ready to join the LSAP wagon like the archdiocese of New York. Despite this, Catholic faithful leaders were determined to contribute to the movement's mission since the Global Catholic Climate Movement. They formed an environmental ministry collaborating with other parishes while supporting each other to bring about the mission of the movement grounded in faith, hope, and love for God and each other. An example of this ministry is the Saint Francis Xavier Environment Ministry from New York under the name Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement.
What is the mission of the Laudato Si' Movement?
To inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice, in collaboration with all people of good will.
Apart from exchanges of learning experiences, regional challenges, and possible solutions, the attendees worked on the regional mission which will be discerned by the LSM staff.
We also identified the identity of the movement having its unique spiritual component compared to other climate or environmentally related organizations, where their identity can be about environmental laws, protecting endangered species, prevention of environmental abuses above all else. This movement is grounded in hope and faith, knowing that we are all connected and can work for the common good of all not leaving behind the vulnerable and forgotten people, whom Jesus Christ served United in God’s Divine Will always praying and in communion with our Heavenly Father (Matthew 25:35-39). The Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that our care and concerns for the vulnerable are the values of the Gospel. The people support the encyclical written by Pope Francis. It is an animating force of the church so that people can work on making Laudato Si' a reality where everything is treated with dignity requiring us to take actions sustainably looking not only in the present but looking out for the next generations to come bearing in mind that everybody is connected.
This movement is promoting a culture of care (Laudato Si' 231, 48, 64) not only for each other but for all creation and future generations. We make use of our talents and respect one's limitations. Everybody is welcome to contribute their gifts to the movement. As we work on our common goal to care for creation, we create a synodal culture. We celebrate our relationships.
The Laudato Si Animators program will be launched again on April 28, 2025 with live sessions across the world. Register your interest Animators - Laudato Si Animators and be part of a positive change for the world that is rooted in faith and hope.
If you would like to join the LSM Chapter animators, leaders, as well as if you are interested in Laudato Si’ Pilgrimage, please drop us an email
Short clip of this event is here.
Animators - Laudato Si Animators
Laudato Si' Movement
Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis
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