Sister María del Carmen
Monroy CCVI, born in Mexico, came to Peru almost 27 years ago to teach us – through
her lived witness - that only through inclusion can we build real communities
that seek to build the Kingdom of God here and now.
Since the beginnings of my religious life in 1974 I have
been formed in a corporate spirit where I was encouraged to share my thoughts
or life experiences, but I also received many gifts from contact with my older
Sisters who from their illness or old age encouraged me to look beyond what my
eyes could see. There were difficult times, but at the same time they
challenged us, they opened new paths for us to explore, gradually recovering the
life that for a time had fallen asleep.
I can say with sincerity and gratitude that I have been very
fortunate since my life resembles in some way that of Abraham, who was invited
to leave what he knew and go in search of the fulfillment of the promises of
God to make him father of a great people. I also left my land and have
continued to follow my path to the present day, seeking day after day the signs
of God’s creative presence.
When I became aware of diversity I was able to experience a
lot of joy. Knowing different things
encouraged me to look for creative ways of encounter. I was confirmed in my belief that the Holy
Trinity did well to make its home among us, in order to express to the world
and to the Church that love, reconciliation, and a tender embrace is possible
as a tangible presence of God.
During these 40 years as a Sister of Charity of the
Incarnate Word, I have heard the continuous call to live unity in diversity, to
create bridges of communion and participation. This has inspired me on my spiritual path to
contemplate four icons: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Trinity,
the Incarnation of the Word and Pentecost. Each one has been very
important since they continue to motivate me to seek fruitfulness in community life
and witness.
Having had the opportunity to live in different communities
both nationally and internationally has become a great joy in my life since it
has broadened my horizons and opened me up to multiculturalism which I have embraced
with all its challenges. It also has
been an opportunity to be protagonist of history, not only congregational but
also the Church, in the world and as part of this cosmos.
It has been in the community setting that my sense of
belonging and missionary spirit has been revitalized, continually listening to
the words of the Gospel of Luke and making them mine: “He sent me to bring the Good News to the poor, to announce release of
the captives and sight to the blind, to bring freedom to the oppressed, and to
proclaim a year of the Lord's favor.” (Luke 4: 18-19).
I find such strength in realizing that the Word
gives sense to our daily living as people and as a community! It is this God of Life who sustains us in a
timeless embrace! Because as I look back
I realize that the Word has been with us since the beginning of the Congregation:
when in 1866 Bishop Claudio Maria Dubuis asked for help and the first Sisters
came to Galvenston; when the Madeleine Sisters, Pierre and Agnes took the
rugged road to San Antonio, Texas in 1869; and when our Sisters left San
Antonio in 1885 to bring the Word, and find it, in the people of Mexico, Peru,
Guatemala, Ireland and Zambia.
And as in the beginning, today and always: God speaks the
Word; God speaks our life in the always present now. Every day I receive
invitations to say yes, to share Christ with everyone. I can share this
positivity even through silence: smiling at strangers where I find them,
happily accepting people or unexpected events, respecting and appreciating what
is different, listening with my heart and my ears, letting go of negative
feelings, being open to new ideas, trying something different, and replacing anxiety
with confidence in the Incarnate Word that knows and loves everything.
For me, Carmelita’s defining quality is her “discerning heart”. Throughout the past 27 years in Peru, she has been a very valued Sister, friend, and faithful companion. Thanks Carmelita! Sr. Rosaleen Harold, CCVI