Our Congregation, represented
by the Congregational Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, was
present at the VIII Panamazon Social Forum (Fospa) held April 28 to May 1, 2017
in Tarapoto, Peru. It was an event that
brought together more than 1,500 representatives of indigenous peoples, civil
society organizations, academics and activists from the nine Latin American
countries that share the Amazonian territory.
The Forum sought to
articulate the social agendas of the participants in order to propose
alternatives to the economic model that, as expressed in the statement of the
Peruvian National Forum, violates the rights of indigenous peoples and
threatens the environment.
Through the collective
reflections and conversations by the various organizations, movements and
networks of the Fospa participants, as well as the work of the past year and a
half, a final document was created called the LETTER of TARAPOTO. This document
creates a roadmap for the struggles of resistance, and offers a proposal and needed
change in order to preserve the Andean Panamazon in the framework of a new
civil order.
It should be noted
that Fospa was an autonomous and independent space that practiced a methodology
of care, meaning it generated spaces of radical equality and encounter, inclusion,
dialogue and negotiated well the diversity of feelings, thoughts, knowledge and
perspectives in order to overcome historic and present inequalities, exclusion,
patriarchy, colonialism and capitalist depredations.
Through three common
axes: Territory, Care of Creation, and the Interculturality of the Amazon,
Andes and Coastal regions, there were nine spaces for dialogue and debate. These included: Panamanian-Andean Women,
Climate Change and the Amazon, Sovereignty and Food Security, Mega-projects and
Extraction, Intercultural Community Education, Panamanian-Andean Youth, Cities
to live in the Andean-Panamazon, Decolonization of Power and Community
Self-Government, and Panamazon Communication for life.
With all that was
experienced during Fospa, one of the most significant experiences - for me -
was the format of coexistence with of nature that developed in the youth space.
After going through
these routes, we took time to reflect on what we had seen and what concrete
commitments these realities called us to. At the end of the day, these conclusions were
presented to all the people gathered at FOSPA who participated in other spaces
of dialogue.
For me, it has been
really inspiring to see the leadership of the youth defending the Amazon (and
the Andes), its biodiversity and its peoples, as an essential condition for the
life of humanity.
By Sr. Katty Huanuco, CCVI
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