2. Post a picture of yourself with your sign on social media: Take a photo of yourself with your sign or just a photo of your sign and post it on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Make sure to use the hashtags #FaithfulRecovery and #JustRecovery. On Twitter, tag your Senator so they can see your message; you can find your Senators’ Twitter handles here. On Facebook, search for your Senator, and add @Senator’s name to your posting.
Use these sample messages to accompany your photo with the sign. Sample messages for Twitter on July 14:
A. As people of faith we believe #FaithfulRecovery plans post-COVID must:
- Move away from fossil fuels & support clean energy jobs.
- Address health inequities caused by air & water pollution.
- Support the most vulnerable in other countries.
#JustRecovery @SENATOR
B. I’m a person of faith who cares about God’s creation. A #FaithfulRecovery plan must address the immediate needs of those most impacted by #Covid19 and its job losses, & also ensure communities are ready to recover long term in a just and sustainable manner. #JustRecovery @SENATOR
C. We need sustainable solutions for people and for the climate post-covid! We urge you to ensure that we are prepared for future crises by reducing health risks and addressing the economic, racial, and health inequities that make recovery harder. #FaithfulRecovery @SENATOR
Sample messages for Facebook/Instagram on July 14:
As people of faith we believe #FaithfulRecovery and Relief plans that will truly help us build a better future for all must:
Transition away from fossil fuels & support clean energy jobs.
Address systemic health inequities caused by air and water pollution.
Support our most vulnerable global neighbors in developing countries.
#JustRecovery @SENATOR
We need sustainable solutions for people and for the climate post-covid! We urge you to ensure that we are prepared for future disasters and crises by reducing health risks and addressing the economic, racial, and health inequities that make recovery harder. We must emerge from the pandemic as a stronger, more resilient nation. #FaithfulRecovery #JustRecovery @SENATOR
3. Spread the message: If you want to keep posting and see all the other people of faith joining the Virtual Rally, search for #FaithfulRecovery or #JustRecovery on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and share their postings.
4. Other ways of support: If you don’t use social media, you can send a message to your Senator through the contact forms on their webpages. You can use this Sample Message:
As our country looks to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, we need solutions that are sustainable for people and for the climate. In addition to ensuring that people’s immediate needs are met, I urge you to prioritize promoting a healthy environment, building resilience to future crises, and emphasizing principles of justice and equity as we create new jobs. Specifically. I ask that you act on policies that transition away from fossil fuel dependence and support the expansion of clean energy jobs; address the health inequities caused by air and water pollution disproportionately impacting communities of color, and assist our most vulnerable global neighbors in developing countries.
Please help us amplify that message through a virtual rally on July 14th with other people of faith around the country. In addition to educating our friends and family, we want to push senators to consider our priorities as they draft legislation in the near future and beyond.
You may find here all the information you need to participate in the virtual rally.
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