Racial intolerance, discrimination and hatred of all kinds must end. Dignity means: You matter. I matter. We matter. We urge you all to raise your voices to denounce every act of racism, discrimination and hate. Be a catalyst for change. This has been a tough year for Afro and Asian Americans. It was awful hearing about the attacks against the Asian community and the horrible act that happened this week. We condemn acts of xenophobia, and violence. We pray for the victims. To the Asian community, we see you and stand with you.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
There is no room for racism!
Racial intolerance, discrimination and hatred of all kinds must end. Dignity means: You matter. I matter. We matter. We urge you all to raise your voices to denounce every act of racism, discrimination and hate. Be a catalyst for change. This has been a tough year for Afro and Asian Americans. It was awful hearing about the attacks against the Asian community and the horrible act that happened this week. We condemn acts of xenophobia, and violence. We pray for the victims. To the Asian community, we see you and stand with you.
¡No hay lugar para el racismo!
Hay que poner fin a la intolerancia racial, la discriminación y el odio de todo tipo. Dignidad significa: Tú importas. Yo importo. Nosotras importamos. Por ello, instamos a todas las personas a alzar la voz para denunciar cualquier acto de racismo, discriminación y odio. Seamos un catalizador del cambio.
Hacemos un llamado a difundir lo que está ocurriendo con los asiáticos y los afros en todo el mundo. Trabajemos juntas para construir comunidades inclusivas y más equitativas. Porque cada vez que desafiamos el racismo y la discriminación racial, estamos un paso más cerca de un futuro más igualitario para todas y todos. Luchemos por el cambio.
Como cada año, el 21 de marzo, se conmemora el día de lucha contra el racismo. Esta es una llamada a la acción para las personas de todo el mundo. "La juventud se levanta contra el racismo" es el tema de 2021. Podemos ser parte de esta campaña involucrando al público a través de #FightRacism, que pretende fomentar una cultura global de tolerancia, igualdad y antidiscriminación. Lea más: aquí
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Stop Asian hate crimes
Call out Asian racism when you see it. Start holding people accountable NOW so racist behavior and tendencies don't foster within the next generation. Unlearn the model minority myth, anti-Blackness within the Asian community and xenophobia within the Black community," Sophia Delrosario.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Stopping Deforestation Can Prevent Pandemics: Destroying habitats makes viruses and other pathogens more likely to infect humans
The editors of Scientific American carefully connect
issues of sustainability as does Pope Francis" in his letter on “Our
Common Home” called Laudato Si. Protecting
trees and planting trees is a simple act that can make huge contributions to well-being
for all living creatures. The CompassionTree Project globally and in San Antonio https://www.sanantonio.gov/ParksAndRec/Want-to-Help/Compassion-Tree-Project can give individuals opportunities to
participate in transformative action and to build community.
In an article, “Stopping
Deforestation Can Prevent Pandemics: Destroying habitats
makes viruses and other pathogens more likely to infect humans,” Scientific
American editors note, “Ending deforestation and thwarting pandemics
would address six of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals: the
guarantee of healthy lives, zero hunger, gender equality, responsible
consumption and production, sustainably managed land, and climate action
(intact tropical forests absorb carbon dioxide, whereas burning them sends more
CO2 into the atmosphere). The COVID-19
pandemic is a catastrophe, but it can rivet our attention on the enormous
payoffs that humanity can achieve by not overexploiting the natural world.
Pandemic solutions are sustainability solutions.” Read more https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/stopping-deforestation-can-prevent-pandemics1/
Friday, March 5, 2021
Peru wants to breathe - help us!
But, no; we, I am fine. My anxiety, fear or helplessness cannot occupy my mind and heart. It is those friends and family members who are suffering from the disease, and it impacts them physically and mentally. They can't take it anymore. Several are already gone. We could not say goodbye. We need to stand up. Our thoughts and faith must lead us to care for life. Those of us who are well need to do something, from wherever we are.
The situation is dire. People in Lima and Chimbote, which are the places I know the most, suffer daily to find or refill an oxygen bag. Yes, oxygen, to be able to continue breathing. Faith leaders in Peru have been working to provide medical oxygen to the people, but this crisis is beyond us. There is still much to be done. What has been achieved is not enough.
The Church, together with the Congregations of Religious Life, has been leading several fundraising activities to build or buy what is needed for medical oxygen. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with the medical oxygen campaigns in Peru.
Here are some ways you can join in too:
- Pray every day for the families who are suffering from this disease.
When you make your donation, write in the notes or send a message to development@amormeus.org indicating that your donation is “For the Sisters in Peru - Oxygen Plant”.
Perú quiere respirar - ¡Ayúdanos!
Pero, no, nosotras, yo estoy bien. Mi angustia, temor o impotencia no pueden ocupar mi mente y corazón. Son esos amigos, amigas y familiares quienes están sufriendo la enfermedad y les impacta física y mentalmente. No pueden más. Varios ya se han ido. No hemos podido despedirles. Urge, estar de pie. Es urgente pensar en ellas y ellos. Hay que encontrar las formas de ayudar. Mis pensamientos y fe tienen que llevarme a encontrar el modo de apoyar la vida. Quienes estamos bien necesitamos hacer algo, ahí desde donde estamos.
La situación es dramática. Las personas en Lima y Chimbote, que son los lugares que más conozco, padecen diariamente por encontrar o recargar un balón de oxígeno. Sí, oxígeno para poder seguir respirando. Las(os) líderes de fe en todo Perú han estado trabajando para proporcionar oxígeno médico a la gente. Pero esta crisis nos supera. Aún hay mucho por hacer. Lo que se ha conseguido es insuficiente.
Aquí algunas formas en las que tú también puedes unirte:
- Ora todos los días por las familias que están sufriendo esta enfermedad.
Al hacer tu donación, envía un mensaje al correo ( development@amormeus.org ) e indica que la donación es para las: Hermanas en Perú - Planta de Oxígeno
Escribe: Hna. Katty Huanuco, CCVI.
Más información sobre la realidad Peruana y la falta de Oxígeno.
- Crisis de Oxígeno: aquí
- Perú se asfixia: aquí