Illuminated by Laudato Si and our spirituality, as the
CCVI family we celebrated with a simple inclusive prayer for the one year
anniversary of this challenging Encyclical. With this prayer in the community
of Bethany in Los Olivos, we set the foundation for the sustainability
workshops at the Commission of Social Justice (Chimbote) and the parish Reina
de los Cielos (Lima).
Our local facilitators, representatives of two
important ecological organizations in Peru, discussed the sustainable development
happening in Peru, the political action responding to the Paris accords,
responsible and sustainable consumption, the impacts of shopping green, the efficient
use of paper and sustainability, the recovery of waste and conservation of
water, carbon footprints and use of renewable energy sources.
The workshops definitely motivated us to
improve our practices, and we were able to realize that it is possible to live
sustainably in our cities. We appreciate the commitment of our sisters,
associates, missionaries, and collaborators in Lima and Hospice in Chimbote.
Many thanks to you all!
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