Monday, February 26, 2018

Praying with Dreamers Prayer Service

Catholic Day of Action: Praying with Dreamers
February 27, 2018

Prayer Leaders: Welcome
We want to thank you for taking time from your very busy lives to join the Catholic Community for a day of prayer and action with Dreamers.

It’s time for Congress to do the right thing by Dreamers who are our neighbors, our students, our parishioners, and friends.  It’s time—it’s long past time—for Congress to protect our communities and pass a clean  Dream Act without  additions that harm our immigrant communities, without threats to family unity, and without further militarization of border communities. 

We recall how often Dreamers, and our immigrant communities, fail to find welcome, fail to find acceptance, and fail to find solidarity. And we ask forgiveness.

Sing: This is Holy Ground

Prayer Leader: Opening Prayer
Let us pray. Loving God, you have given us in your Word the stories of persons who were forced to leave their homelands—Abraham, Sarah, Ruth, Moses. You sent us your son Jesus whose life was filled with travel and flight from enemies. We ask you, our God, to open our minds and hearts to the invitation to model your perfect example of love and to share the journey with those who seek welcome. Amen.

Leader of the Rosary:  
We gather today to pray that ancient Catholic prayer, the rosary. We gather as a believing community here in the site of our elected leaders. We pray for them, knowing that God can open minds and transform hearts. And we commend Dreamers, and all our immigrant sisters and brothers, into the loving hands of our Blessed Mother, Mary.

And so we begin, as is our custom . . . 
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Apostles Creed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father:
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary (3x):
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen.

Glory Be
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Today we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary remembering the passion of Jesus and sharing the suffering of Dreamers.

First Mystery Reader:
The first sorrowful mystery, the agony in the garden (Mark 14:34-42)

If a Non-Dreamer Leader: Part of Christ’s suffering was that he endured it alone. The Apostles slumbered while his persecutors approached. Are we asleep as well? Do we recognize the injustice of current immigration policy? Do we speak on behalf of Dreamers and their families?

If a Dreamer Leader: Part of Christ’s suffering was that he endured it alone. The Apostles slumbered while his persecutors approached. Are we asleep as well?  Like Jesus, I, too, have felt alone on this painful journey. Do you recognize the injustice of our immigration policy?  Will you stand on behalf of me and my fellow Dreamers?

We pray for the grace of solidarity with those who are denied welcome in our country.

Rosary Leader: Our Father; Hail Mary (10x); Glory Be

Second Mystery Reader:
The second sorrowful mystery, the scourging at the pillar (John 19:1)

Non-Dreamer Leader: Pilate used torture to try to force a confession from Jesus. Today, Dreamers who, with their parents, fled to the United States to escape violence and torture are often deported or imprisoned for failing to possess proper documents.

We pray for forgiveness for our silence and we beg for the courage to speak out for justice.

Rosary Leader: Our Father; Hail Mary (10x); Glory Be

Third Mystery Reader: 
The third sorrowful mystery, the crowning with thorns (Matthew 27:27-30)

If a Non-Dreamer Leader: Jesus’ captors were not content with torture; they humiliated him, crowned him with thorns, and mocked him. Racism, prejudice, cruel stereotypes, and verbal abuse are the thorns that pierce many new migrants as they seek work, housing, and education for their children.

If a Dreamer Leader:  Jesus’ captors were not content with torture; they humiliated him, crowned him with thorns, and mocked him. Racism, prejudice, cruel stereotypes, and verbal abuse are the thorns that pierce many Dreamers as we seek work, housing, and education for our children.

We pray for compassion and for the grace to heal the wounds that divide us.

Rosary Leader: Our Father; Hail Mary (10x); Glory Be

Fourth Mystery Reader:
The fourth sorrowful mystery the carrying of the cross (Luke 23:26)

Non-Dreamer Reader: The burden of the Cross was so great that without the help of Simon of Cyrene, Jesus would have been crushed by its weight. Often, Dreamers bear crushing guilt because they survived when their parents or relatives were deported or died horribly in our deserts or our jails. Who can endure this alone?

We pray for the grace to be present to their suffering and help them carry their burden.

Rosary Leader: Our Father; Hail Mary (10x); Glory Be

Fifth Mystery Reader
The fifth sorrowful mystery, the crucifixion (Mark 15:37)

If a Non-Dreamer Leader: And with a loud cry, he breathed his last and died. Do DACA recipients cry when their status expires and their dreams of education, safety and work die? Or when a legislator tells them that the only home they know, is not their home?  Or when their citizen children are told they don’t belong?   

If a Dreamer Leader:  And with a loud cry, he breathed his last and died. We, DACA recipients also cried when DACA, our ticket to safety, was ended. We cry when our dreams of education, housing and work die, or when our citizen children are told they don’t belong. 

We pray for the grace to understand that no human being is illegal, that every life is sacred, and that each person must be welcomed with reverence.

Rosary Leader: Our Father; Hail Mary (10x); Glory Be

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Closing Song:
·         Here I am Lord
·         The Servant Song

Many thanks to Mary Ellen Lacy, DC who developed the original prayer from which this adapted.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Declaración frente a la Violencia con Armas de Fuego

La Oficina de Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación (JPIC) de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado; ante las heridas en muchas partes del mundo por las diversas formas de violencia continuamos diciendo ¡NO! a la violencia que degrada y destruye la creación sagrada de Dios, y ¡SÍ! a una cultura de la vida.  

Extendemos nuestras más sinceras condolencias a todos y todas en la comunidad de Parkland, FL que fueron impactados por el tiroteo escolar más reciente en los EE.UU. Como Congregación intentamos encarnar el amor sanador y salvador de Dios en el mundo.  Nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro compromiso con la no violencia evangélica y lamentamos la violencia rampante y sin sentido que asola nuestra sociedad actual.

Apenas cuatro días antes del tiroteo en Parkland, FL, la Universidad del Verbo Encarnado organizó un encuentro de "Madres Demandando Acción para la Reforma de Armas en los Estados Unidos" con candidatos para la oficina estatal y federal para discutir sus políticas de prevención de violencia armada. Varias hermanas del Verbo Encarnado y hermanas de otras congregaciones participaron.  Es responsabilidad de todas las personas de fe y buena voluntad trabajar juntas para promover una cultura de paz y no violencia, donde nadie tiene que temer por sus vidas cuando ingresan a la escuela.

Nuestros Ministerios CCVI incluyen una escuela secundaria en St. Louis, MO; una Universidad y dos escuelas secundarias en San Antonio, TX en Estados Unidos y  más de 8 instituciones educativas en México; sus sueños, luchas, temores e incertidumbres que sienten estudiantes, padres y madres, y el personal de las instituciones educativas,  nos inspiran: apoyamos  su poderosa determinación de prevenir tiroteos escolares futuros y violencia armada.

Nos solidarizamos con los estudiantes de Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School y de otras partes de los Estados Unidos que se están levantando para exigir acciones en la legislación sobre control de armas para que ninguna otra escuela y comunidad tenga que enfrentar esta tragedia. Sí, es bueno tener a todas las personas impactadas por la violencia armada en nuestras oraciones, pero también seguimos el ejemplo del Papa Francisco, quien nos recuerda tomar medidas concretas para responder a esas oraciones: "Reza por los hambrientos. Después, aliméntalos tú. Así es como funciona la oración."

Oremos por las víctimas y aquellos que están de luto, y prevengamos futuras tragedias. Pongamos fin a la violencia insensata llamando a nuestros políticos a encontrar el coraje para rechazar la influencia corporativa del uso de las armas y aprueben así, inmediatamente, una legislación que:

1) Prohíba las armas de asalto semiautomáticas con cargadores de gran capacidad;
2) Se requiera verificación de antecedentes universales para todas las compras de armas;
3) Convertir el tráfico de armas en un delito federal. 

Por favor únase a nosotras no solo en pensamiento y oración, sino también en acción comunicándose con sus representantes electos actuales (tanto estatales como nacionales) y solicite los puntos legislativos mencionados anteriormente.  También infórmese sobre los candidatos para las elecciones y haga que la reforma de armas de fuego sea una prioridad. Los futuros tiroteos masivos no son inevitables.

Nuestra esperanza y fortaleza a través de Jesús, el Verbo Encarnado, nos inspira a co-crear una cultura de paz y no violencia activa. Permitámosle ser sus manos sanadoras en el mundo de hoy.

JPIC Office Statement on Gun Violence

The Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word – in response to the suffering caused by various forms of violence around the world - continues to say No! to the violence that demeans and destroys God’s holy creation, and Yes! to a culture of life.  We extend our deepest sympathies to all those in the Parkland, FL community who were impacted by the most recent school shooting in our country.  As a Congregation that seeks to incarnate the healing and saving love of God in the world, we stand strong in our commitment to Gospel nonviolence and lament the rampant and senseless violence plaguing our society today. 

Just four days prior to the shooting in Parkland, FL, a meeting of “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” was held at the University of the Incarnate Word with candidates for state and federal office present to discuss their gun violence prevention policies.  Many Incarnate Word Sisters and Sisters of other congregations participated.  It is the responsibility of all people of faith and good will to work together to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence, where students and teachers don’t have to fear for their lives each day as they enter school. 

Our CCVI ministries include a high school in St. Louis, MO, two high schools and a university in San Antonio, TX, and more than 8 educational institutions in Mexico.  We are aware of and share in the fear and uncertainty felt by students, parents, and staff of educational institutions, and are inspired by their powerful determination to prevent future school shootings and gun violence. 

We stand in solidarity with the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and others around the country who are rising up to demand action on gun control legislation so that no other school and community have to face this tragedy.  While we keep all those impacted by gun violence in prayers, we follow the lead of Pope Francis who reminds us that we have to take action to answer those prayers as the Body of Christ in the world today: “You pray for the hungry.  Then you feed them.  That’s how prayer works.” 

We pray for the victims and those mourning, and we seek to prevent future tragedies and end senseless gun violence by calling upon our elected officials to find the courage to reject the influence of the corporate gun lobby and immediately pass legislation that:

1) Bans semi-automatic assault weapons with high-capacity magazines (such as the AR-15);
2) Requires universal background checks for all gun purchases; and
3) Makes gun trafficking a federal crime. 

Please join us not only in thought and prayer, but in action by contacting your current elected representatives (both state and national) and demand the legislative points above.  Also educate yourself about the candidates up for election in the mid-term this year and make gun reform a top priority.  Future mass shootings are not inevitable. 

We draw our hope and strength through Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, who inspires us to co-create a culture of peace and nonviolence.  Let us be his healing hands in the world today. 

El Arte de las Manantiales Sagradas de Texas - evento de Headwaters

Headwaters at Incarnate Word y Art of the Sacred Texas Springs se enorgullece de celebrar los principales manantiales de Texas, con un enfoque especial en el Pozo Azul de San Antonio. Headwaters se asoció con apasionadas artistas locales para organizar un espectáculo de arte de un mes de duración con piezas inspiradas en el agua y los manantiales. La exhibición y los eventos que la acompañan invitan al público a experimentar estos manantiales esenciales a través de diversos medios artísticos.

Como complemento de las hermosas piezas de la exposición se incluyen varios eventos especiales, como música, cine y oradores locales de renombre. Cada evento es gratuito y abierto al público, pero se requieren reservaciones para asegurar el asiento. Venga y únase a nosotros en la Exposición Art of the Sacred Texas Springs mientras celebramos la cabeza del Río San Antonio como el primero de los cinco sitios en una peregrinación artística en honor a los manantiales del Sur Central de Texas. Las galerías de la exposición estarán abiertas de lunes a domingo, excepto el fin de semana de Pascua. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre los eventos especiales y las horas de la galería de exposiciones para esta iniciativa del Tricentenario.

Una parte de las ventas de arte se donará a Headwaters at Incarnate Word, el único santuario natural en el corazón de San Antonio.

Eventos que acompañan a la exposición:

Recepcion para Abrir la Exposicion
Viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018
6:00 - 8:00 pm

Manantiales del Sur Central de Texas & Manantiales Sagradas de los Coahuiltecans:
Presentacion por Gregg Eckhardt & Dr. Mario Garza
Sabado, 10 de marzo de 2018
2:00 - 4:00 pm

Pelicula: Yakona / Water Rising
Domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018
2:00 - 4:00 pm

Una Celebracion de la Naturaleza
Piano Recital de Duo AleAnya de Puentes Musicales del Mundo
Jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Sonidos de las Manantiales:
Piano Recital de Elena Portnaya de Puentes Musicales del Mundo
Miercoles, 4 de abril de 2018
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Voces del Agua: Poesia y Prosa
Domingo, 8 de abril de 2018
4:30 - 6:30 pm

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nonviolent Practices for Urban Living

In today’s world we are constantly receiving news of violence, negativity, and corruption. The disappointing messages and constant reinforcement of anger induced behavior can make it seem like living a non-violent life is no longer a reality or a possibility. However, now more than ever we need tools on how to live a more peaceful and accepting life. Below are a few tips on how to (specifically) navigate living in a metropolitan area.
  1. Dealing with Anger: Often conflict leads to our own inability to properly deal with our confusion, disappointment, or even anger. But if we can learn how to deal with those feelings prior to acting then the likelihood of a situation escalating to violence will greatly reduce. Before anything else take a moment to check-in with yourself. What exactly are you feeling? When you can notice which emotion you are feeling then you can figure out how to work through it. If possible, remove yourself from the situation that is causing this internal reaction within you. This will allow you to think about the root cause of this emotion and think of a solution. Sometimes, we realize that our anger or frustration comes from making rash decisions which could be solved by talking it out.  
  2. Morning Routine: Living in a metropolitan area it can be hard to find time for yourself with all of the cars, people, and noise. But the mornings or even late evenings can be the best time of day to check-in with yourself. With that said, set up a routine. For example. I wake up around 6:30, make my bed, do light yoga-stretching to wake up my body, journal, and meditate. Afterwards I will either go and exercise or get my day started with breakfast and chores. Having a routine gives peace to the mind, allows you to set an intention for the day, and reflect on the previous day. 
  3. Slowing Down: Honestly, who isn’t busy these days? We have a lot of responsibilities and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem comes when we allow our responsibilities to overwhelm us and lead to frustration. In the morning or at the beginning of the week, review your schedule and see where you can make time to take a break and what you can actually accomplish within the day. Perhaps on the bus or in the long car ride to your next destination you can take that time to listen to soothing music or a positive podcast. During lunch time, allow yourself to step away from social media and work related jobs to enjoy your food and socialize with colleagues and family members. The overall goal is to not allow work and home to keep you from staying balanced. Because when we lose our balance, we lose our ability to stay in control of our emotions, think rationally, and make good decisions. 
Although these are just three tips, they will help you slow down your day and live a more peaceful life. Change does not come overnight but rather through consistency and the intention to improve. Once we realize that conflict is a normal part of our daily lives, we can begin to find healthier ways to address our problems and difficult situations that do not lead to violence. Violence is like the train wreck that we want to avoid. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, a famous American activist during the civil rights movements, “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

written by Selena Mitchell, CCVI Missionary in Chimbote, Peru 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dialogue and Friendship Dinner at UIW

The Annual Dialogue and Friendship Dinners are organized to contribute to the progress of intercultural-interfaith dialog and peace. With the participation of esteemed guests and people from different faiths, cultures, and ethnicities these gatherings have come to symbolize our desire to achieve a genuine cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

Dialogue Institute cordially invites you to the 13th Annual Dialogue and Friendship Dinner

Theme: "Teaching Compassion and Making a Difference"
Keynote Speaker: Sonya Romero, Teacher Hero Teacher Sonya Romero at The Ellen Show

Sonya Romero, more commonly know as The Hero Teacher featured on Ellen in March of 2015. Her Ellen interview has more than 11 million views and climbing. Sonya has won several awards for her humanitarian efforts including a Congressional Award. Before Sonya entered the classroom she began her university studies in journalism and communications but went back to obtain a second bachelors in education. In 2004 she completed her masters and is currently working on her PHD. Sonya is Executive Vice President of Albuquerque Federation of Teachers and helps create content for the professional development courses they provide. You can find Sonya in her kindergarten classroom most weekdays at Lee Wallace Elementary in Albuquerque, New Mexico where her mission is to make every child feel safe.

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 6, 2017, 6:00 pm

Venue: UIW Rosenberg Skyroom

847 E.Hildebrand, San Antonio, TX 78212

Charitable Partner: ( Proceeds of the dinner will be shared with our charitable partner)

Dialogue Institute Friendship Award: Shokare Nakpodia, Founder of DreamWeek San Antonio

Dialogue Institute Education Award: SA Youth

Dialogue Institute Communication Award: Molly Cox , President & CEO SA2020

Dialogue Institute Community Service Award: El Bari Community Health Center

Co-sponsors: UIW Liturgical Outreach and Raindrop Foundation

The Art of the Sacred Texas Springs - Headwaters Fundraiser

Headwaters at Incarnate Word and Art of the Sacred Texas Springs are proud to celebrate Texas’ major springs, with a special focus on San Antonio’s Blue Hole. Headwaters partnered with passionate local artists to organize a month-long art show with pieces inspired by water and the springs. The exhibit and accompanying events invite the public to experience these essential springs through various artistic mediums. 
Complementing the beautiful pieces in the exhibition are several special events, including music, film, and renowned local speakers. Each event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required to secure seating. Come join us at the Art of the Sacred Texas Springs Exhibition as we celebrate the head of the San Antonio River as the first of five sites in an artistic pilgrimage honoring the springs of South Central Texas! The exhibition galleries will be open Monday through Sunday, except for Easter weekend. Please see our website for more information on the special events and exhibition gallery hours for this Tricentennial initiative.
A portion of art sales will be donated to Headwaters at Incarnate Word, the only nature sanctuary in the heart of San Antonio.
Events Accompanying Exhibition:
Opening Reception for Exhibition
Friday, March 9, 2018

6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Springs of South Central Texas & The Sacred Springs of the Coahuiltecans:
Lectures by Gregg Eckhardt & Dr. Mario Garza

Saturday, March 10, 2018

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
San Antonio Debut Screening of yakona /water rising/
Sunday, March 11, 2018

2:00 PM-4:30 PM
A Celebration of Nature:
Recital by pianists Duo AleAnya of Musical Bridges Around the World

Thursday, March 29, 2018

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Sounds of Spring:
Recital by pianist Elena Portnaya of Musical Bridges Around the World

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Voices of the Waters: Poetry & Prose Readings
Sunday, April 8, 2018

4:30 PM-6:30 PM

Catholic Day of Action for DREAMERS

Monday, February 26, the USCCB is sponsoring a National Call-In Day for Dreamers. In their announcement, the Bishops remind us: Our faith compels us to stand with the vulnerable, including our immigrant brothers and sisters. We have done so continually, but we must show our support and solidarity now in a special way.  Now is the time for action." 

We hope to drive thousands of call to Congress.  Please call 855-589-5698 and press 1 to be connected to your Senators. Call again and press 2 to be connected to your Representative.  Once connected please ask the person on the phone to deliver this simple message to your legislator:

“I urge you to support a bipartisan and humane solution for Dreamers: Protect Dreamers from deportation and provide them with a path to citizenship. Reject proposals that undermine family immigration or protections for unaccompanied children. As a Catholic, I know that families are not “chains,” but a blessing to be protected. Act now to protect Dreamers, our immigrant brothers and sisters.”

Resources are available on the JFI website.

In response to requests from Dreamers for a demonstration of additional support from Catholic leadership, the PICO National Network is partnering with a group of Catholic social justice organizations based in DC, including the Franciscan Action Network, to organize a Catholic Day of Action for Dreamers at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 27 at 10:30 am.
Participants will include Catholic Dreamers, Catholic clergy and women religious, Catholic lay leaders and a wide range of supporters. Several Catholic bishops have also been invited to attend. The event will include prayer and singing among 100-200 participants, and will culminate in civil disobedience which will be exercised by a cohort of Catholic leaders.
The event will be followed by a press conference, along with a series of visits to congressional offices to underscore the strong commitment of the Catholic community to secure a compassionate response to the crisis faced by Dreamers. After such an eventful week of immigration ups and downs, we invite our members and friends to join us in solidarity by planning “echo events” all over the country. Host a prayer vigil, visit your Congress members’ local office, or write an Op-Ed for your local paper.

Women's Day Peace Campaign

Please join us in Pax Christi International and the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative’s International Women’s Day peace campaign.  As you know may know, LCWR is a member of the steering committee of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative.  They are hoping that thousands of women religious across the country and around the world will join us in sending a message to Pope Francis thanking him for his commitment to nonviolence and just peace.
Pax Christi International and the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative are deeply grateful to Pope Francis for his consistently strong condemnation of nuclear weapons and the vicious arms trade. His clarity on, and commitment to, peace and nonviolence are wonderful gift to our movement.
This year for International Women’s Day (8 March), we invite women to send a thank-you message to Pope Francis, in appreciation for his leadership on these issues. We want him to know that we are listening to and affirming his words and his works.
Please share this online “postcard” with women in your communities and networks and ask them to sign this thank-you message. We will collect the responses over the next month, and will deliver the names and personal notes to the Vatican on 8 March.
The postcard is available in four languages: Englishfrançaisespañol, and italiano

Monday, February 19, 2018

Catholic Women Preach

“For Christians nonviolence is the attitude of one who is so convinced of God’s love and power that he or she is not afraid to tackle evil with weapons of love and truth,” Sr. Martha Ann Kirk echoes Pope Francis’ message for the Fiftieth World Day of Peace.

In a reflection on the Readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, she considers Jesus’ last free act before he was taken to be killed, he reached out to heal someone who had come to hurt him. 

This reflection can be seen on Catholic Women Preach:  This is “an innovative project designed to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the Church today by responding to Pope Francis’ call for broader and more active engagement of the baptized in the preaching mission of the Church. 

This project is a deeply faithful, hopeful and joyful initiative intended to build up the Church.”   Hear Sister Tere Maya’s message last year:  

One can register to receive the message each week.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Lentan Resources

As we begin another Lenten season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the Congregational Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office -a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word- encourages you to explore the resources below and choose one for your own Lenten practice this year. 
Together we can continue to deepen our commitment to taking a prophetic stance for justice, peace, and the integrity of all creation.

Ignatian Solidarity Network: 
' Break Forth,

Development and Peace, Caritas:

The Catholic Climate Movement:

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice:
2018 Lent Series'

Pax Christi Lentan Booklet: 

Catholic Mobilizing Network:

Catholic Relief Services has created an
app to accompany you in your 
'Lenten journey'

Maryknoll Office:

St. Louis, MO
Walk the Journey with Jesus: 

More resources:

Pray for peace on 23 February

We invite all to consider using this resources to mark this day and pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan,  as well as all areas of conflict in the world.
Pope Francis has called for a "special day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world" on Friday, 23 February 2018. The day of prayer is especially aimed at prayers for peace in the conflict-stricken nations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. Catholics and other Christians as well as followers of other religions and people of good are invited to join in this event.
“In the face of the tragic continuation of conflicts in different parts of the world, I invite all the faithful to a special day of prayer and fasting for peace on 23 February, the Friday of the first week of Lent,” Pope Francis announced. “We will offer it especially for the populations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and of South Sudan."
“Our Heavenly Father always listens to his sons and daughters who cry to him in their pain and anguish,” the pope continued. “I make a heartfelt appeal so that we too listen to that cry and each of us, in our own conscience, ask ourselves before God, ‘What can I do for peace?’”
“Certainly,” he said, “we can pray, but not only that: Each one can concretely say NO to violence inasmuch as it depends on him or her. Because all the victories gained by violence are false victories; but to work for peace does good to us all!”

From: Pax Christi International 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Cuaresma incorporando la justicia, paz y ecología

Al comenzar la Cuaresma, nuestra Oficina de Justicia, Paz e Integridad del Creación de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado, te alienta a explorar los recursos que te presentamos y a elegir alguno para tu propia práctica de Cuaresma este año.

Sigamos juntas(os) profundizando en nuestro compromiso de tomar una postura profética por la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación. 

Recurso de la Congregación Marista

Recurso de la Congregación Marianista

Del Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima

Recetas sin carne por justicia

Iremos actualizando con más recursos para Cuaresma aquí: