(By: Erin Lothes) The energy policies that structure our
societies profoundly impact all other persons and living communities, through
the globalized web of relationships that is the modern world. These
issues are not solely technological, economic, or political. They are
inescapably moral.
This collection brings together the
voices of faith leaders from the world's major religious traditions. In
these essays, their traditional values, ancient wisdom, particular moral
teachings, and spiritual insights are brought to bear on the critical question
of energy ethics. How we must transform our social and economic
structures to avoid the devastation of climate change and to create fair access
to clean, sustainable energy available for all persons? What values in
our shared humanity can inspire every person’s conversion to new ways of life,
and commitment to radical action?
At COP 22 in Marrakech, world leaders
gathered to celebrate the entering into force of the Paris Agreement. The
world is moving into a new horizon, turning to the era of renewable
energy. Our rapid global transition to clean and sustainable energy for
all is a moral imperative, as attested by the hundreds of signatories to the
COP 22 Interfaith Climate Statement.
In diverse, context-specific, faith-based
ways, these authors point toward this new horizon. I hope you enjoy them.
Merciful God, as governments meet in Marrakech for the COP22 we pray that
they uphold their obligations on human rights, including the rights of
indigenous peoples, gender equality, a just transition, food security and
intergenerational equity. We also pray that we all might commit to new ways of
living that honour the dynamic relationships between all forms of life to
deepen awareness and the spiritual dimension of our lives. Amen. (Adapted from the COP22 Interfaith Statement)
Light for a New
Day: Faith and Energy Ethics
Erin Lothes Biviano, Ph.D.,
United States Catholic theologian
Solidarity Strengthens the Weakest Link: Energy Ethics and Climate Change in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Fr. Edward Osang Obi, Ph,D, MSP,
Nigerian Catholic Ethicist
Awakening our
Energy: A Buddhist Perspective
David R. Loy, Ph.D.,
United States Buddhist scholar and Zen teacher
Theology: A ‘Way of Doing Things’ Empowered by Faith for Humanity and Ecology
Kaio Thompson, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa clergy and
environmental advocate
Latin America and Eco-theology: A Spirit-Baptized Encounter
Aránguiz Kahn, Chilean Pentecostal scholar
Commentary - Ecological Awareness:
A Pentecostal Energy Analysis
Corvalan-Vasquez, Ph.D. Pentecostal Church of Chile, Secretary of the
Pentecostal Latin American Forum
Perspectives Toward a Wiser and More Ethical Use of Energy
Yonatan Neril, Israeli Orthodox Jewish rabbi and Daniel Weber, Ph.D., American
Orthodox Jewish scientist
A Tewa Woman’s
Reflection on Urgency
Beata Tsosie-Pena, Native American
GreenFaith convergee
“Indeed the
World is Green and Sweet; Walk Softly on the Earth”: Towards an Islamic Energy
Ethic and Praxis
Saffet Abid Catovic, United States
Muslim Environmental Leader
The Wind Flows
from the South: Intrinsic Values of Mexican Indigenous Communities: A Bottom-up
Solution for Climate Change
Paulette Laurent Caire,
Mexican environmental educator and clean energy developer
Dharma of
Sustainability, Sustainability of Dharma: A Hindu Energy Ethics
Jain, Ph.D., Hindu Scholar of Philosophy, Religion and Anthropology
Ncumisa Ukeweva Magadla, South African
Anglican environmentalist
Shift the Power:
Buddhist Temple Communities for an Energy and Social Revolution
Hidehito Okochi, Chief Priest of Juko-in Temple and Kenju-in Temple, Tokyo,
with Jonathan S. Watts, Executive Committee member of the International Network
of Engaged Buddhists
Towards an
Ecumenical and Ecological Spirituality: The Faith in a More Biblical
Understanding of Salvation that Calls Us to Concrete Actions
de Oliveira Ribeiro, Ph.D., Brazilian Methodist pastor and theologian
What do Hindu
Ethical Foundations Teach Us about Energy Policy? A New Ecological
Interpretation of Ahimsa and Asteya
Mat McDermott,
Director of Communications for the Hindu American Foundation
From: http://bit.do/cR4E7
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