Affirm the Human Rights of ALL Migrants
On International Migrants Day today, NNIRR (National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights) has issued "A Call to Affirm the Human Rights of All Migrants," a national statement signed by 300 organizations and individuals across the country.
The statement speaks to the urgency of committing to and upholding human rights for migrants: "While there is a growing awareness of the precarious situation of migrants and refugees around the world, hostile and xenophobic voices continue to spew hate, foment distrust, and call for discriminatory and exclusionary policies and actions to divide populations and demonize migrants and their families."
Today also marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations' International Convention on the Protection of Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, also known as the Migrant Workers Convention (MWC), approved by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 1990, and which affirms human rights for all migrants regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
The NNIRR statement urges U.S. ratification of the migrant convention, enhanced avenues for refugees and asylum-seekers, and support for human rights at international borders, saying that "safe passage across borders is critical for those whose very lives are at stake."
Click here to read A Call to Affirm the Human Rights of All Migrants.
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Share your messages for migrants rights and justice today
Post photos and messages to Facebook, Twitter and other social media throughout today, International Migrants Day. Use hashtages: #IMD2015, #CMW2015, #migrantsrights @NNIRRNetwork
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Migrant Forum in Asia Statement on International Migrants Day. "...Given that migrants are extremely vulnerable to human rights abuses, it is unfortunate that wealthy states that pontificate on human rights should balk at the prospect of offering basic protections to those who need recognition of these rights the most."
Public Services International. "...We need to transcend the rhetoric of fear of migrants and fight xenophobia and intolerance."
International Trade Union Confederation. "Millions of people are seeking the economic and social opportunities denied them due to poverty and lack of development, with women migrating in equal numbers to men in search of work."
United Methodist Women: Migrants Deserve Better. "As the line between migrant and refugee becomes increasingly blurred, we must call for humane and respectful U.S. immigration policies."
United Nations' experts on migrant human rights. "All migrants, regardless of their status, must be able to seek access to justice and to social services such as health care, education, police, social services, public housing, labour inspectors and other public service agents, without fear of being denounced to immigration enforcement authorities, detained and deported."
Message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "We must expand safe channels for regular migration, including for family reunification, labour mobility at all skill levels, greater resettlement opportunities, and educational opportunities for children and adults..."
International Labour Organization: new report on global estimates on migrant workers.
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