This criminal enterprise is increasingly highly lucrative.
In fact, the United Nations Organization (UN) estimates that it generates
profits ranging from 32 billion to 36 billion dollars annually.
Addressing the Conference on Human Trafficking: Contemporary
Slavery, she said that conditions such as poverty, corruption, violence and
lack of opportunities in one’s environment make a difference. "Not only
the poor are victims, but there are conditions that make them more vulnerable than
other populations," she added in the 'Auditorium March 8, 1857' of the
Inequality, impoverishment and educational and labor
shortages are an important backdrop, because although those who commit such
abuses do not discriminate based on age, ethnicity or socioeconomic status,
potential victims usually belong to groups subject to exclusion, discrimination
or precarious economic situations, Ruiz Serrano said.
Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation or
receipt of people to take advantage of them by force, fraud or deception. It is
a crime against humanity that violates all individual rights and is known as
the slavery of the XXI century, she said.
This crime can take on different forms and manifestations such
as servants, prostitution, pornography, sexual or labor exploitation, begging,
using children under 18 in criminal activities or illegal adoption, forced
marriage, organ trafficking or illicit biomedical experimentation.
For Ruiz Serrano, child trafficking is not a form of work,
"but an abuse, because the child cannot be a prostitute, he or she is
According to the report entitled "Break the chains of
child slavery" from Save the Children, poverty, globalization and the
consequent demand for goods and cheap labor have led to an unprecedented demand
for non-adult workers.
The ability to travel through the world more cheaply, along
with increased migration flows, has made it easier trafficking children from
one country to another, which organized mafias have taken advantage of.
That report highlights that sometimes the parents themselves
are the ones who sell or rent their children to potential employers. This
represents an attack on their security and makes the family setting a dangerous
and hostile place, because the parent or parents are the primary source of
attachment of the child. An act of this
caliber impacts how they live and perceive the world, she concluded.
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