The one-hour webinar will include and introduction by moderator Ken Butigan, senior lecturer in the Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Program at DePaul University in Chicago, as well as brief presentations by Fr. Jamal Khader, Rector of the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Jerusalem; Sr. Anne McCarthy, OSB, Retreat director and and justice activist; Dr. Terry Rynne, Professor of Peace Studies and founder of the Center for Peacemaking at Marquette University. There will also be time for questions and comments from participants. Register here.
The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative is continuing the work begun at the Nonviolence and Just Peace Conference, held in Rome in April 2016. The conference brought together more than 80 people for an unprecedented gathering to discuss the Catholic Church’s historic commitment to nonviolence. It continues to stimulate conversations and engage people of faith around the world. Conference papers have been published, articles written, and resources gathered in support of the efforts to promote nonviolence. Resources and papers are available at on their website.
At the conference participants affirmed an outcome document that appeals to the Catholic church to recommit to the centrality of Gospel nonviolence. It is a commitment to further Catholic understanding and practice of active nonviolence on the road to just peace
The is inviting other organizations and individuals to join them in endorsing the statement from the conference, “An Appeal to the Catholic Church to Recommit to the Centrality of Nonviolence.” Read and endorse the statement here.
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